WWAW niggers storming a senior living facility


Emmett Till protesters stormed a senior living facility in search of the woman who has been accused of setting a lynch mob on him after a 1955 arrest warrant was unearthed in a Mississippi courthouse.


'We on the move. We don't know how they're hiding this white woman down here, they're hiding Carolyn Bryant Donham,' Shabazz said in a Facebook Live. 'They're calling the police, but we're on the move. We know she's in here.'

The group descended on the brightly lit room, where senior citizens sat in wheelchairs and looked confused as the activists - some wearing what appears to be bulletproof vests - entered.


Video footage streamed live showed protesters knocking on doors calling out Carolyn Donham's name as they continued their search. But unable to locate her, they left the building


Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Jesus Christ, the dindu nuffin meme is as old as time itself. There were probably Babylonian Jews chiseling anti-Egyptian screeds onto stone tablets about the wrongful persecution of nigger slaves. He didn’t rape the Pharaoh’s daughter he was just out for a jog! He was bout to graduate GED!


Isn't what they are doing a lynch mob? Didn't Corey booker just use the smollet case to pass a law on that?
they showed up with body armor and shit, stormed a place looking to do what exactly? they even keep calling her 'white woman "

I know if I stormed a senior home in body armor, screaming "where's Shanuqua Greene, where that black woman at" I would get charged as a white nationalist and put in gitmo