WWAW my wife forgetting to pay the electric bill


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
you need to put some roots down soon boss, or else your gonna end up like the ol tumble weed

thats why my pappi would say
Found a place I think. The cool thing with corps buying up all the single families is that they don't buy anything over a couple of acres and people are trying to sell them. So those are dropping in price. I found a 45 acre farm for 220k. Even if its trashed it's 45 acres. Lotta room for a compound.


What kinda progressive-ass electric company lets you get 90 days over?
In Philly my roommates and I used to go months without paying electric or gas just out of pure laziness and nothing ever happened.

We had a retarded Jewish roommate who is charge of the water bill and he didn’t pay it for 7 months and it never got turned off. One day the water did get shut off and the little kike tore apart the whole crib looking for the last water bill so he could pay it. He paid the thing and our water still wasn’t on 24 hrs later. I come home from work and I go to walk to the gym and there’s an entire construction crew tearing up the water pipes out of the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. We were all just too lazy to go outside. They finished their work and the water came back on. Makes me wonder how long we could’ve gone without paying that thing
In Philly my roommates and I used to go months without paying electric or gas just out of pure laziness and nothing ever happened.

We had a retarded Jewish roommate who is charge of the water bill and he didn’t pay it for 7 months and it never got turned off. One day the water did get shut off and the little kike tore apart the whole crib looking for the last water bill so he could pay it. He paid the thing and our water still wasn’t on 24 hrs later. I come home from work and I go to walk to the gym and there’s an entire construction crew tearing up the water pipes out of the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. We were all just too lazy to go outside. They finished their work and the water came back on. Makes me wonder how long we could’ve gone without paying that thing
I haven't paid the water once in 3 years, seemingly fuck all they can do about it