WWAW my wife forgetting to pay the electric bill


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Yeah my power got cut off like a nigger because she somehow forgot to make the payment for 3 months.

One time I wanted an oreo (just one, just a taste) and she came back from the store with store brand. I threw them out and asked her if we're poor. Her father laughed at that.

I took away her right to vote and called her a Tomlinson. If she wasn't a racist southern girl I'd have to human traffic her.

Edit. No problem remembering to pat for your box of Chinese makeup every month, stupid.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?


Still spreading the O&A virus
What kinda progressive-ass electric company lets you get 90 days over?
One that sells to niggers. When I went to college I lived a few blocks away from basically the third season of The Wire. The party houses for sports teams and fraternities were practically across the street from a war zone. These utility companies might as well have had police escorts to read your meters or work on your property.

Now that all of these companies take welfare dollars they have all these policies in place to deal with "late payments". So things like water, electricity, phone, and so on can sometimes be put on a "do not disconnect for any reason" policy. It used to be if you were late with one payment on anything. House, car, bills. You would be flagged. But now 90 days of lateness is the new 30 days because society is in the middle of total collapse.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Every room she's in, turn the lights off for a month. Taking a shit? Hit the lights. Cooking dinner (assuming your empowered wife cooks)? Cut the lights. Turn off the TV when she's watching it. Hide her phone chargers. You know, get your point across.
Don't get me started on cooking. Southern girl can't cook worth a fuck. Pot roast? Easiest thing in the world and she'll turn it into a brick. Luckily I enjoy doing it or she'd starve. I blame her mother. Her mother cooks the most bland food I've ever had. That's what you get when your main protein is squirrel or possum.


Don't get me started on cooking. Southern girl can't cook worth a fuck. Pot roast? Easiest thing in the world and she'll turn it into a brick. Luckily I enjoy doing it or she'd starve. I blame her mother. Her mother cooks the most bland food I've ever had. That's what you get when your main protein is squirrel or possum.
Jesus, her asshole must taste like cotton candy if you actually married this inept bimbo.


sometimes store brand shit is actually better. i doubt oreos fall into this category

i accidentally found this out buying some 7/11 brand shit because they were out of my regular funyons. after I finished yelling at the cashier about how back in my day we had standards and the customer actually meant something, I settled for the store brand funyons

shit you not, i don't fuck with anything else besides 7/11 funyons since. they are delicious. they melt in your mouth like those frenches crispy fried onions they put on salads sometimes, and they are cheaper.

did you actually try the poor-eos before you beat your wife over the head with them?


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Jesus, her asshole must taste like cotton candy if you actually married this inept bimbo.
Nah she's a good sport. I've made her move something like 8 times in 10 years for work and she hasn't put a 357 in my face while I sleep, (That's a goodfellas reference, dan)

I'll give her credit for that.
