WWAW midgets trying to look sexy and failing


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I always thought midgets, both male and female, must get laid a lot on the novelty alone. Am I wrong? If I was a hot girl I'd probably fuck a few midgets for fun here and there.
Male midgets probably have it tough. But I've heard female midgets also are paranoid that the dudes who hit on them are just pedos using them to act out their fetish.

But Melissa Alves is the midget for me



Nope. Pedo thing aside, on a primitive subconscious level you only want to fuck women you want to get pregnant. I guess if you blew your beans in one of those oompah loompas, she'd pop out another munchkin. Or are they like Down Syndromes and can only have kids with each other?

What the hell do I know, just give me a container of coffee, a buttered roll and a woman without any congenital birth defects (Dan, show reference.)


So at what height constitutes the difference between a midget, dwarf, and a short person?

Science spends all this time on global warming and finding a cure for cancer, when frankly this really needs to be settled.
So at what height constitutes the difference between a midget, dwarf, and a short person?

Science spends all this time on global warming and finding a cure for cancer, when frankly this really needs to be settled.
its all fucked up with the woke speak now but it used to;
generally speaking you are a 'little person' if you are under a certain height as a grown adult
a midget is a little person that has all their limbs/body/head in proportion (so just an adult scaled down)
a dwarf is someone with dwarfism and have the short arms legs etc (oompah loompah)


Nope. Pedo thing aside, on a primitive subconscious level you only want to fuck women you want to get pregnant. I guess if you blew your beans in one of those oompah loompas, she'd pop out another munchkin. Or are they like Down Syndromes and can only have kids with each other?

If you banged a dwarf it’s a 50/50 shot of having a dwarf kid.


Male midgets probably have it tough. But I've heard female midgets also are paranoid that the dudes who hit on them are just pedos using them to act out their fetish.
I don't mean dating/relationships though, I'm sure that's virtually impossible for them except for with other midgets. C'mon wouldn't you fuck a lil dwarf fella with weird twisted hips and one of those squeaky voices if you were a chick with a few drinks in you?