WWAW midgets trying to look sexy and failing

A House Nigger

Zero Nigger Policy.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I went to Vegas once with my friends. They wanted to go to a strip club. First couple of dancers are pigs. All of the sudden the entire place erupts. A fucking midget stripper comes running out and starts swinging from the poles. Gets showered in dollar bills. An hour later she comes up to our table and tells us she was available after hours for $400 an hour as an 'escort'.

I was shitfaced but I found nothing attractive about her whatsoever. The character Cheese on The Wire said his favorite body type was midgets.
I used to regularly see someone who going out with a girl half his height she wasn't a midget but her torso was weird in that her legs seemed to be the same size. She looked like a childs cartoon character come to life.