WWAW Mask-era Cameran Diaz and wanting to do unspeakable things to her...


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.



Gregory Pecker
Cameron Diaz is a weird one. She was HOT AS FUCK in The Mask. Like can't be overstated how insanely fucking hot she was in The Mask. Then in everything after that she was just kind of alright. It's like she hit the wall early. She was still hot in There's Something About Mary and by Charlie's Angels she did absolutely nothing for me.


Cameron Diaz is a weird one. She was HOT AS FUCK in The Mask. Like can't be overstated how insanely fucking hot she was in The Mask. Then in everything after that she was just kind of alright. It's like she hit the wall early. She was still hot in There's Something About Mary and by Charlie's Angels she did absolutely nothing for me.
This is a spot on breakdown of her hotness timeline. Would have liked to see her with longer hair in Something About Mary. Not just in the flashbacks. I think it would have improved her score.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Cameron Diaz is a weird one. She was HOT AS FUCK in The Mask. Like can't be overstated how insanely fucking hot she was in The Mask. Then in everything after that she was just kind of alright. It's like she hit the wall early. She was still hot in There's Something About Mary and by Charlie's Angels she did absolutely nothing for me.

I get what you mean. She was one of the first women I jerked off to as a kid but I don’t remember finding her hot in anything after mask.

Then again I don’t think I saw her in anything after that other than Being John Malkovich, where she just played a dowdy recluse.


Cameron Diaz is a weird one. She was HOT AS FUCK in The Mask. Like can't be overstated how insanely fucking hot she was in The Mask. Then in everything after that she was just kind of alright. It's like she hit the wall early. She was still hot in There's Something About Mary and by Charlie's Angels she did absolutely nothing for me.

Even in Mary she was nowhere near Mask hot. It's an odd thing.