WWAW Limping for years on end?


Where we at with the where we at?
I’ve been limping for the past few years and its only getting worse. Started in the military and just sucked it up for a while, but its getting old. Dont have health insurance now though.
Based on research Im pretty sure its posterior tibial tendonitis that I never treated. How fucked am I? Being a gimp for the rest of my life would be kind of a bummer
Were we at with trying to get on the VA tit for the rest of your life?


Shock Jock
If you're not a raging alcoholic, ibuprofen and Tylenol can work wonders. Also, why didn't you get it taken care of on the government's dime when you had the chance? There's no shame in being a malingering limp dick if you're actually in chronic pain.
It’s frustrating to try and explain, but the fuckery had to be seen to be believed. If you wanted an appointment at my medical facility, you had to wait outside the doors for 2 hours because usually only the first 10 guys got appointments. No call-ins.
It was like those movies where Depression era dudes hung around a dock hoping theyd be selected to work for the day.

All the civilians quit and there was nobody working there. Then you go, and if your foot isnt falling off they suggest you do some stretches. This continues for a while, each time needing to be outside the building at 6am, on my day off because I had to be in work everyday at 4am. They need paperwork to give you light duty.

I seriously just said fuck it I’d rather limp. In the end they wouldnt have done shit for me anyway or by the time they did it wouldve held me in longer


Shock Jock
can you stand on your toes / stand & point your toes inward?

If it is that, then better to treat it early to avoid a permanently flat arch in your foot
I just cant put any pressure on my left ankle without pain and theres swelling on the inner part above the heel.
Some parts of the day it kinda goes numb, others it can be unbearable.
I can still go to the gym, and go out and enjoy my life at this point but its getting worse.
And to make matters worse, Im gay


I just cant put any pressure on my left ankle without pain and theres swelling on the inner part above the heel.
Some parts of the day it kinda goes numb, others it can be unbearable.
Yeah, that doesn't sound good. How much of a rip off is American health insurance. I live in a country that has socialised medicine but I have a premium private health care plan on top of that. Costs me and my family around $120 a month. Covers everything except cosmetic work.