WWAW Joker 2 being a musical with Lady Gaga?

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!


I have a face like a shovel
why these nigga's at DCU got to cock tease us

just put "Robert Pattinson-Batman" in the same universe as "Joachin Phoenix-Joker" and give us THAT movie

Spoiler for "The Batman"
if you want to tie that loose end from "The Batman", you can say that "Barry Keoghan-Joker" was just one of one of Joaqhin Phoenix's copycats that started popping up in Gotham after JP's Joker's rise to prominence in the end of "The Joker". DCU can easily fix all of this (well, maybe fix all this) with the "Flashpoint" movie that will come out in 2033. Micheal Keaton will be Earth 0 Batman, and Robert Pattinson will be Earth 1 Batman


I have a face like a shovel
Wasn’t the whole point of that joker was it was supposed to be stand alone and not part of the whole DC movie series?
Think of it as a different continuity that happens in a different part of the DC Multiverse

So DC/Discovery/WarnerBrothers were eluding to that this story is happening on a different part of the world than the regular DC world.

With all of that prefaced, if they bring back Harley Quinn it will be a different sort of Harley Quinn

it's all Multiverse shit...that's how you can reconcile everything


May St. Mel bless you
Wasn’t the whole point of that joker was it was supposed to be stand alone and not part of the whole DC movie series? Also didn’t one Harley Quinn movie already come out and wasn’t a hit?

Pretty much. They'll ruin whatever goodwill The Joker had with critics and audiences by turning it into another comic book franchise.

Fucking Jews, man.