WWAW Indians pretending to be White?

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I did enjoy the story he posted on the old forum about spit roasting a fat hog with his friend. Honestly, the guy likes to do a lil trolling, I don’t see the big deal. That tiny turd cock is pretty embarrassing and was rightly ridiculed, but ya gotta give the guy credit simply for not deleting his profile out of shame after posting that. He may have a tiny cock but he’s got a big ol pair of brown turd testicles


Anime is for Faggots
I did enjoy the story he posted on the old forum about spit roasting a fat hog with his friend. Honestly, the guy likes to do a lil trolling, I don’t see the big deal. That tiny turd cock is pretty embarrassing and was rightly ridiculed, but ya gotta give the guy credit simply for not deleting his profile out of shame after posting that. He may have a tiny cock but he’s got a big ol pair of brown turd testicles
Posting Avocado's rotten asshole is considered brave from a POC.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.