WWAW good retirement speeches?


There's something about Japanese ball players. They're always cool and memorable. Kawa was my favourite.
It's because they're brought up to respect the game. They're more trained professionals in my opinion. Most of the MLB is full of spics like me who use baseball as a way to get out of impoverished areas like DR and South America. Japanese players who play from childhood are trained for all positions. You may be an ace of a pitcher, but your coach will still have you do hitting and fielding drills. The Japanese fans are loud and have bands in the stadium like College Football games, even for regular season games. When one of them lands a position in the MLB, especially a position player, they know they've made it to the highest possible league and make sure to sure appreciation for being in it. That shows in their fan interactions. They're always showing attention to fans with simple cap tips,waves, and autographs, even in visiting ballparks because they know they're there to see a game and deserve to get what they paid for. You can scream at American ballplayers all day and they'll ignore you. Yell at the Japanese or Korean guy on the team and they'll come over and say hello. Guaranteed.


83 years ago today Lou Gehrig delivered his farewell at Yankee Stadium. Keith Olbermann can be a smug cunt with the politics but he's great when it comes to sports. This video of him talking about Gehrig and reading the whole speech is great.

ALS scares the fuck out of me. What it does to your body while leaving you fully aware of what is happening has to be one of the worst ways to die.