WWAW good retirement speeches?



This was a great retirement speech.



Love the fawkin Ichiro. Got to see him play a few times when I was young.
I know this one's inevitable so I'll do it

I got to see him a few times as well. I had never seen a player as respected by fans at every stadium. I remember the Red Sox getting smacked by the one time and the fans were still gushing over Ichiro and trying to get him to wave to them and stuff.


I got to see him a few times as well. I had never seen a player as respected by fans at every stadium. I remember the Red Sox getting smacked by the one time and the fans were still gushing over Ichiro and trying to get him to wave to them and stuff.
Oh, absolutely. I don't know any baseball fan who doesn't like him. The times I saw him were at Safeco in the summer, cool shit.


Oh, absolutely. I don't know any baseball fan who doesn't like him. The times I saw him were at Safeco in the summer, cool shit.
Players too. I can't recall any player having a bad thing to say about the guy and quite a few of them admired his skill. He loves the game and respects it more than most.

He even respected the equipment and made a point never to break or throw a bat out of frustration.

Neat article about when he apologized to a bat manufacturer for throwing his bat.

I honestly miss the guy.


Players too. I can't recall any player having a bad thing to say about the guy and quite a few of them admired his skill. He loves the game and respects it more than most.

He even respected the equipment and made a point never to break or throw a bat out of frustration.

Neat article about when he apologized to a bat manufacturer for throwing his bat.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.mlb.com/cut4/ichiro-once-threw-a-bat--then-wrote-a-letter-of-apology-to-the-man-who-crafted-it/c-101140160[/URL]

I honestly miss the guy.
28 years pro, between Japan and MLB. And he was still effective pretty late into his career.


More Ichiro from his last MLB appearance in Japan, before the retirement speech in the original post.

I love at 1:18 he says no to the bow, and wanted a hug from that teammate. Also at 3:01 his Japanese teammate is balling his eyes out, which is why Ichiro told him "no crying this time." In that Seattle speech.

He really was an amazing sportsman.

Eisenhower's Farewell Address where he warns us about the Military Industrial Complex:

If we’re talking wise Presidential farewells that have been largely ignored to our detriment, we have to include Washington’s farewell letter. He warned against political parties and factions, excessive borrowing, unnecessary wars, involvement in foreign intrigues, the influence of other nations (including supposed allies) over our own government, and the importance of morality.

But you know, dead white male slaveowner, so ignore him.


If we’re talking wise Presidential farewells that have been largely ignored to our detriment, we have to include Washington’s farewell letter. He warned against political parties and factions, excessive borrowing, unnecessary wars, involvement in foreign intrigues, the influence of other nations (including supposed allies) over our own government, and the importance of morality.

But you know, dead white male slaveowner, so ignore him.
Fuck George Washington, that elitist traitor. He taxed small whiskey farmers a larger percentage than he did the large-scale producers, threatening the regular farmers' livelihoods. When they protested (tarring and feathering tax collectors, etc.), he squashed his own people militarily with troops and forced them to pay up. #RememberTheWhiskeyRebellion


it finally happened, fellas. i remember when i first posted my prediction over a year ago..folks laughed at me, folks. "whatever, ichise", they said, "that just sounds like a bunch of hooplah and what not". well, folks, it happened. what was my prediction, you may ask? well, here it is, folks: http://prntscr.com/px42n7 ive made predictions earlier than this but was unable to find it in the archive!

sometimes it hurts being so painfully accurate, folks..

-the opester is broadcasting to 12 people after being fired from a platform he paid to be on (westwood)

-anthony cumia has a successful network that still hasnt failed as the redditards kept saying. and he got his twitter back!

-jim and sam are making 6 figures a year

-war hero joe is making $10k a gig touring the world

-pulitzer pat has his twitter back, had several television appearances, and is a best-seller of scifi novels.

the cumias, jim&sam, and pulitzer pat finally won, fellas. oh hee hoo hah ho hee hah.

its over, fellas. war hero joe is currently in his living room after having sex with his lovely wife. he sits and stares at his wall of medals while holding a glass of whiskey. carol tucks in the children. war hero joe raises the glass of whiskey to his lips, and with a wry smirk, he mutters.. "welcome to obscurity, redditards" .. oh ha hoo hee ho ha

farewell, folks. also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile


The Backbone of America

Not the greatest speech of all time, but still a speech I will always enjoy.

Ichiro was one of the greatest to ever play the game and is also a genuinely good dude.

There's something about Japanese ball players. They're always cool and memorable. Kawa was my favourite.