WWAW Gavin McInnes faking his own arrest so he can grift his weirdo followers?


I have a face like a shovel
Crenshaw aka Zioclops said that free speech doesn't apply to criticism of jews. He should be hanged alongside his entire family. And every other Navy Seal moron that supports our kike run military.
I mean----it's such a small country....why's everyone get so weird about it?

plus, israeli's are WAY cooler than those nebbish Ashkanazi's

also, yeah he can say that free speech doesn't apply, however you can not be pussy, and just say what you want anyway.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
It's a slight letdown when you realize they're all grifters. They all stink but at least some of them can crack a good joke once in a while. Owen had some good lines in there about Dan Crenshaw later on. Owen claimed to be the most censored guy on the internet. Really? The dude streaming on multiple platforms while Julian Assange has been unpersoned? Shut up.
I hope Crenshaw walks into an uncovered manhole opening. Nice depth perception, cyclops