WWAW dreams?


There's feral honkies in the Smoky Mountains
I have a lot of dreams that are going normal to good and then I blink and I'm up on some tiny platform on a skyscraper sized tower terrified that I'll fall. Then Paul Weimer tries to rape me and I wake up. Heights scare the fuck out of me and I have to work at heights all the time.

I have a recurring dream that I live in my old apartment and a big black bear lives there with me. Like I wanted the bear as a pet but I'm afraid of the bear and I avoid it. It always ends with me leaving the back door open so the bear can leave and I'm stressed out that my cats are going to leave too because they're cool with the bear. Then Paul Weimer tries to rape me and I wake up.

Trayvon Fartin

You’re a fat crack smoker
Where we at with having detailed locations that you revisit throughout your entire life in dreams only? Places that don't exist but you instantly recognize them, however you can't remember them at all in real life.

You ever woke up from a good dream, took a piss, then continued the dream because you were just that tired?
There’s an abandoned town within walking distance to my town that I could give you directions to, and it only exists in recurring dreams I have


There's feral honkies in the Smoky Mountains
Oh I also have a good amount of dreams where I talk to my dead loved ones and they give me advice. I know they're dead in the dreams but I'm EXTREMELY happy to see them and I'm too concerned with making sure I can keep them with me to really take in what they're saying. Those dreams usually get cut off by an alarm or something and it pisses me off in a huge way. Then I realize I'm still dreaming and Paul Weimer tries to rape me.


The gunslinger.
If dream rape is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

At least I only go after women, unlike Jenna/Boq

Don’t know much about boq tbchwy, seen some comments made by him I like, seen some I don’t like. I don’t know, frankly I don’t want to know.

As for Jenna, she saves every comment I make on here to discredit me to the brotjermen, they also have a religious belief which is “if it feels good, it’s righteous” which I think is just horrid. The pleasures of the flesh are holy for him. That’s not good, that’s satanism.


ImJustJen AndImEnough AndImGreatAt JewingStuff
As for Jenna, she saves every comment I make on here to discredit me to the brotjermen, they also have a religious belief which is “if it feels good, it’s righteous” which I think is just horrid. The pleasures of the flesh are holy for him. That’s not good, that’s satanism.

Maybe I'm just a good person who dreams about saving drowning racoons and respecting the consent of the naked blonde on my lap, while you're a vile shitstain who tortures animals for fun and makes his bumble matches talk like kindergartens.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
@bantadant could you please intro a dream song for this thread? Something like Dream, Dream On, Dreamer, Dream Lover, Dreams, Dream Weaver, etc.

When you type the word "dream" seven times you really notice what a shitty, dumbfuck word it is.

No matter how overplayed or used in commercials, song is still PFG


Kill a commie for mommy, awright
I had a dream once that two calfs were walking by me and as they passed me I saw there was a mountain lion stalking them. So the rest of the dream was me running around looking for my gun. FAWK!!
Well the next morning I found two dead calfs out in the pasture. They had been killed by coyotes though. I’ve had a few dreams before that were vaguely about something that happened later in the future but that’s the most interesting example.

Anyone else have dreams tell them something about the future?
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With Osteoporosis.
I've gotten good at staying in lucid dreams whereas growing up I'd be pulled awake when I realized I was free to molest everything.

The thing I wonder about lucid dreaming is if it's restful sleep. Are you really resting if your mind is aware? I mostly have lucid dreams when I've forced myself to sleep while not tired. Any time I fall asleep after hours of racing mind wakefulness I usually become lucid or have vivid dreams that are much different from regular tired ass REM sleep where I rarely question the bizarreness of my faggot dream universe. Falling into wakeful dreams usually includes creepy paralysis & intense vibrations which is a motherfuck because being a dream paraplegic renders my arms unable to reach my cock.

High school dreams often morph into shopping malls because of the similar hallways/corridors & because I'm a pedophile.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
I have a recurring dream where I score some dope and have to get away from my friends and family long enough to use it. I'll dip off to my room and they'll fucking knock and I'll have to answer it and get them away from me. They always leave but I either wake up right after registering a vein or I lose my dope right when it comes time to put it in the water. Then I start frantically searching my room until I wake up, sweaty with my heart pounding.

I've only lucid dreamt a handful of times by accident. Every time was when I had a solid Adderall connection. I used to leave a 30 mg football on my nightstand and set an alarm 15 minutes early. I'd wake up, pop the Adderall, and go back to sleep. I think the stimulant activating in my body while I was asleep increased my sharpness in the dream world and allowed me to become self aware. I always had sex or flew around until my actual alarm went off.
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