WWAW dindu dogs



had never been aggressive
I fucking hate nigger dog apologists.

RIP to these poor kids for real.



There's literally a million or so of these dogs around along with the mixes, attacks are extremely rare and it is always traced back to the owner(s) and original breeders. Relative to the population, attacks are rarer than shark attacks.

You should look up what happened to the Michael Vick dogs. They were all originally supposed to be euthanized, but an animal rights group was able to petition the court and save them. It took several years for some, but most were able to have their aggressive tendencies eliminated and found adoptive homes. Only a few had to be put down because they were too dangerous and there were a few who remained shelter dogs because they had suffered too much trauma to be re-homed.

When it comes to oitbulls ir pitbull mixes, a lot if dudes on this sub act exactly like Patrick Tomlinson. You don't agree with something or don't like something, it or they are always bad. Black and white. Absolutely zero nuance.

And yes, I have a dog in this fight. I have adopted two pit boxer mixes in the past and they were by far the best dogs I have ever owned and I have owned many different breeds from toys to working dogs.


The Backbone of America
My ex called me a couple days ago and asked if I'd shoot her friend's elderly lab because her pitbull and mastiff mauled it pretty much to death and she doesn't have the $300 to have it put down. I lost my shit about how retarded hoodrat sluts shouldn't be allowed to own dogs (which makes ME rude and unsympathetic lol) and I'm still probably going to snitch to the SPCA. She has little kids too.


Where we at with the where we at?
There's literally a million or so of these dogs around along with the mixes, attacks are extremely rare and it is always traced back to the owner(s) and original breeders. Relative to the population, attacks are rarer than shark attacks.

You should look up what happened to the Michael Vick dogs. They were all originally supposed to be euthanized, but an animal rights group was able to petition the court and save them. It took several years for some, but most were able to have their aggressive tendencies eliminated and found adoptive homes. Only a few had to be put down because they were too dangerous and there were a few who remained shelter dogs because they had suffered too much trauma to be re-homed.

When it comes to oitbulls ir pitbull mixes, a lot if dudes on this sub act exactly like Patrick Tomlinson. You don't agree with something or don't like something, it or they are always bad. Black and white. Absolutely zero nuance.

And yes, I have a dog in this fight. I have adopted two pit boxer mixes in the past and they were by far the best dogs I have ever owned and I have owned many different breeds from toys to working dogs.
Congrats on using the “it’s how you raise them excuse.”


I remember seeing a pitbull attacking another dog when I was a kid and people were smashing everything over the dogs head and body to get him to stop and he wouldn't. The owner had to stab the shit out of his own dog for it to let go of the other. I have no idea how the one attacked survived. I was told to go scram by some adults and didn't get to see what else happened.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I remember seeing a pitbull attacking another dog when I was a kid and people were smashing everything over the dogs head and body to get him to stop and he wouldn't. The owner had to stab the shit out of his own dog for it to let go of the other. I have no idea how the one attacked survived. I was told to go scram by some adults and didn't get to see what else happened.

Arin't you in Florida? When I lived in Tampa I saw a pit like every 2 minutes.