WWAW dindu dogs


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I love dogs but pit bulls are the Cumia’s of dog breeds.
We were out the other night and some African queen with 5 future nubian king/queen (well behaved of course) children was being dragged around by one. First thought was this dog is killing at least one of them. I finished my beer and got another one. (Grapefruit shandy) <---- Opie reference Dan.


Call me fucked up, but that's a feel good story to me. Dad looks like a faggot, the mom is probably one of the many cunts Ive been in arguments with on the pitbull subreddit, and the kids are young enough to automatically go to Heaven.


You talking about the Sleeper Cell?

My gaurd dogs play chess, not checkers mr. Feznor
The dog is in a cage at the shelter. Meanwhile the parents are on the news explaining how their kid has to wear a prosthetic nose until surgeons can grow a new one for it on its arm all because beloved family member Mr Ruffles tried to tear its face off.

A couple of weeks later, a new couple turn up at the shelter to adopt the dog because there's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.

Later that night, the dog swirls then sips his glass of cognac, sitting in a leather armchair in front of the fireplace, looking at the family photos on the mantel. "And so the game begins again... "
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Acquaintance of mine was telling me about this earlier today. She's a single mother with two kids by two different dads. She owns a pit bull. Her take was, predictably: "It's the owners, my pittie would NEVER!" I don't think she appreciated me saying it wasn't surprising and she should get rid of her dog immediately.


My older sister had a couple for years. One of them recently put her dumb ass in the hospital (and itself in a grave) after trying to kill her. I hope she got rid of the other one but logic isn't her strong suit. I warned her about those nigger dogs but she didn't listen.