Wwaw Dan being retarded


I honestly don't mind Dan being back because it's inevitably all going to end in tears again and it'll be hilarious to see how that plays out.
I unironically loved NPS. I'm more mad that Dan ran outta here than I'm mad at any 2000-era message board drama


Anyone who comes back from a doxing deserves to at least be allowed to crawl back on their hands and knees. Dan welcome back to the team. I've never listened to your podcast but I wish you well.
I liked Dan’s podcast initially and appreciated his laying into Tomlinson and Simons myself. This was just poorly done. I want Dan back but with a modicum of self awareness.


I liked Dan’s podcast initially and appreciated his laying into Tomlinson and Simons myself. This was just poorly done. I want Dan back but with a modicum of self awareness.
As a guy who probably already spends too much time here and doesn't have time for Pat drama, NPS was a great digest version of all the hijinks we're up to.
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As I guy who probably already spends too much time here and doesn't have time for Pat drama, NPS was a great digest version of all the hijinks we're up to.
The first ep with Josiah and Boomia was great. I wish Dan would lean in the right way. If he’s actually here at all.