Wwaw Dan being retarded



And what exactly has happened? I made a podcast that some people didn't like?

What have you contributed beyond posting pictures of women and pretending to simp over them? If you really are just teenagers then fine, but the fact that you're making fun of me for actually having a loving wife while you have nothing means you're shit.
Nice try, faker. Always check the joined date.


@SpringfieldDan You think you can just come back here and act like nothing has happened. You’re either retarded or fucking oblivious. I don’t know which one is worse. I’ve fucking had it!
Just own up to the doxxing and high hat bullshit and be done with it. It’ll be over quicker than you realize. Brothamen here have the shortest memories when you don’t play into things. Unless you’re a cross eyed faggot or Sicilian rapist.

@Caverlock gets a pass for using the Kiwi retards as a means to an end which is completely different from Dan for obvious faggotry.

Just come clean, you beantown asshat. You’ve got the props.


And what exactly has happened? I made a podcast that some people didn't like?

What have you contributed beyond posting pictures of women and pretending to simp over them? If you really are just teenagers or in your early 20s then fine, but the fact that you're making fun of me for actually having a loving wife while you have nothing means you're shit.

You got too fucking big for your britches, and when people started to criticise you, you started to sperg out and threaten to dox people. If you don’t realize this you’re truly retarded.