WWAW da Uvalde footage


as someone who shittily works with security cam systems, this stuff will happen

camera quality looks shit, timestamp looks retarded and old, system is probably old and installed decades ago, probably even all analogue cams rather than ethernet wired with IP cams
The main reason why the timestamps are off by months is probably from it not being wired to their internet, so no auto time adjustment after power failures, so this thing is just months behind eventually

guarantee no one who works there even knows how to export footage from it. Anything grabbed off it was probably just some tech guy that I assume works for police
Can confirm. This, plus anyone who works anywhere, public or private, knows that people will just live with fucked up/broken shit. Cameras don't work? Put in that work order and wait indefinitely. Water leak? Use the other sink.

And on the rare occasions interesting shit happened that was worth using the footage, it was recorded off someone's phone pointed at the screen.

This is why the Epstein shit doesn't surprise me. Oh, a billionaire who's never worked a day in his life didn't enjoy his time in federal prison and successfully killed himself the second time he tried to? And what's this about corrections officers being lazy bags of shit? Oh and the cameras were fucked up and everyone just kind of shrugged it off? Sounds like an average day, minus the billionaire part.


Weird how much running they were doing here. If the media was there wouldn't the shooting have been over? So why are they running around? It looks like they were told "The cameras are here. Look busy!"
"Why are you guys running? The shooting happened two hours ago."

"There's a big sale at Menards."


They've been doing this since Columbine. No one made it an issue until now.

School shootings have occurred with regularity and been national stories for at least 25 years now. And yet, no major gun legislation.

In the minds of conspiracists, do the global elite have the wherewithal to orchestrate virtually everything in the world but a house/senate vote on background checks?


Pay attention to how nervous I am
I don’t know about that but he’s definitely freebased af
