WWAW da New York subway shooting



They didn't mention the bellybutton so I don't think it's a possibility.

A sketch of the suspect has been released.



Shock Jock
NYC is very segregated still. You can live amongst whites if you have the money to do so. I live here because I don't want to commute 4 hours total each day. Always something to do on the weekends; concerts even on weeknights. I like it here, just don't make eye contact with anyone on the streets and you have no problems.
Im guessing you would have to be at least a millionaire to live among whites in NYC

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
NYC is very segregated still. You can live amongst whites if you have the money to do so. I live here because I don't want to commute 4 hours total each day. Always something to do on the weekends; concerts even on weeknights. I like it here, just don't make eye contact with anyone on the streets and you have no problems.
Fair enough. Great avatar, brotherman. Leaving Las Vegas is a classic
my partner in crime back in the 2000's clubbing days was a korean chick with big natural tits. i wish i could find pics we were so hot
I used to hang out with a Korean too. Just goes to show we’re not so different. Haven’t heard from him in a while either.

Also, anyone see the suspect description? Little fatso is 5’5” 170 pounds, just 8” shy of being able to hide it well.