WWAW da New York subway shooting



Apparently a boon did it. It happened in a very Italian and Chinese neighborhood
That area of Brooklyn (Sunset Park) is chock full of immigrants who will never bother to learn English. Boo 'had enuffah dem chinks n spics' is my guess. This was not a sophisticated attack in any way. At least the A-rabs have enough sense to blow up a random dumpster in a popular area of Manhattan for impact.

Edit: Ha, holy shit there you go (look at all the Chinese victims):


This will be classified a hate crime rather than a terrorist attack lol. And a 'ghost gun' will be blamed.
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That area of Brooklyn (Sunset Park) is chock full of immigrants who will never bother to learn English. Boo 'had enuffah dem chinks n spics' is my guess. This was not a sophisticated attack in any way. At least the A-rabs have enough sense to blow up a random dumpster in a popular area of Manhattan for impact.

Edit: Ha, holy shit there you go (look at all the Chinese victims):


This will be classified a hate crime rather than a terrorist attack lol. And a 'ghost gun' will be blamed.

He can’t keep getting away with it, first Bernell Trammell, now this!



WOrlds Biggest OzZy FAN!
If you’re white and you haven’t moved out of the city yet what are you even doing bro? Is this kind of shit really worth putting up with to live within one block of your states largest Barnes and Noble? Oh but the ethnic food is so good right.. get a recipe book, faggot.
NYC is very segregated still. You can live amongst whites if you have the money to do so. I live here because I don't want to commute 4 hours total each day. Always something to do on the weekends; concerts even on weeknights. I like it here, just don't make eye contact with anyone on the streets and you have no problems.