WWAW da Mike Francesa




Being seasoned radio listeners, how the fuck do you stand his retardation?
he doesn't say shit. cue sports talk worm.
"Yea, the bullpen is shit, we need another arm at the deadline. Judge is MVP without a doubt."
what insight are you getting from this 60 something you can't get on your own? is it out of habit or comfort?
I'll admit I have a weakspot for maddog, that's just cause he's a relic of the past and doesn't act like an over the top fag like everyone else
(cough skip bayless + cowherd)
I love sports ( none of your little local American ones) but sports call in radio is pretty shite. I listen to a few sports podcasts but call in radio sports format is terrible


Jacques De Gautier
Being seasoned radio listeners, how the fuck do you stand his retardation?
he doesn't say shit. cue sports talk worm.
"Yea, the bullpen is shit, we need another arm at the deadline. Judge is MVP without a doubt."
what insight are you getting from this 60 something you can't get on your own? is it out of habit or comfort?
I'll admit I have a weakspot for maddog, that's just cause he's a relic of the past and doesn't act like an over the top fag like everyone else
(cough skip bayless + cowherd)
I honestly have no idea why I still listen to it. I don’t listen to any other sports talk and I hate Colin Cowherd and Jim Rome more than anyone else on earth


I've said it before and I'll say it again, in a world overrun but Marvel faggotry Mike Francesa is a goddamn hero.

That being said he is the king of jinxes. The man has quite literally never made an accurate prediction.

This is tremendous. I only know very little of Francesca but that’s great. He very seriously puts the onus back on the caller to explain to him who Stan Lee was.