WWAW da Mike Francesa



Fuck you haters. I love Mike. He's the best and only real sports talk there is. He comes on and talks about sports. No bullshit. He does what he wants. Still doing it today because he can't give it up.

Let the other faggots try to imitate what he did in NYC while they do Todd Pettengill style song parodies and force women and niggers onto every station.

One of the last real ones.


I still listen to his podcast because he talks baseball but he needs to clear his throat. Shit is aggravating
Fuck you haters. I love Mike. He's the best and only real sports talk there is. He comes on and talks about sports. No bullshit. He does what he wants. Still doing it today because he can't give it up.

Let the other faggots try to imitate what he did in NYC while they do Todd Pettengill style song parodies and force women and niggers onto every station.

One of the last real ones.

Being seasoned radio listeners, how the fuck do you stand his retardation?
he doesn't say shit. cue sports talk worm.
"Yea, the bullpen is shit, we need another arm at the deadline. Judge is MVP without a doubt."
what insight are you getting from this 60 something you can't get on your own? is it out of habit or comfort?
I'll admit I have a weakspot for maddog, that's just cause he's a relic of the past and doesn't act like an over the top fag like everyone else
(cough skip bayless + cowherd)


Being seasoned radio listeners, how the fuck do you stand his retardation?
he doesn't say shit. cue sports talk worm.
"Yea, the bullpen is shit, we need another arm at the deadline. Judge is MVP without a doubt."
what insight are you getting from this 60 something you can't get on your own? is it out of habit or comfort?
I'll admit I have a weakspot for maddog, that's just cause he's a relic of the past and doesn't act like an over the top fag like everyone else
(cough skip bayless + cowherd)
Yeah its all retarded nonsense, but I'm a retard and watch sports because I've been tricked by the jew.

You want to criticize it, there's plenty to go after. But mad dog not over the top?

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddd Afternooon ladiesandgentlemen!!!!!!!


Toucher & Rich run a special series of their Fart Court segment just for him.
Their fans would troll him sometimes calling up and just ask absurd sports questions like "Should the Yankees sign Joe Tromblowski (a fake person)?" and then he'd waste air time making his producer Google someone who doesn't exist.


There were a bunch of prank compilations on the YouTube i would binge that disappeared and im sure he is partially responsible for that because hes a fuckin grump