WWAW da Four Loko's


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
You ever have these when you were a kid and get fuckin zooted? Back when they hadn't tweaked the recipe yet and turned it into another malt beverage for pussies


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
They banned alcohol + caffeine drinks in 2010-2011 (pussies). Sparks was apparently sold until 2021 and it has been discontinued, but not altogether shut down. They still make Tilt (a knockoff of Sparks), but I haven't seen Tilt in years. (Source: wiki on Sparks alcohol).
Shit it must've only been in select markets then. Haven't seen it on the east coast in over a decade at this point.


Stand Alone Fruit
Budweiser actually had a very short lived energy drink beer called Budweiser E around 2004/05. It was sold in 4 packs and in narrow cans like Red Bull. I don’t know if it even made it across the country but it was in the north east


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Budweiser actually had a very short lived energy drink beer called Budweiser E around 2004/05. It was sold in 4 packs and in narrow cans like Red Bull. I don’t know if it even made it across the country but it was in the north east
I found this one, but it's non-alcoholic



Shock Jock
I just barely missed the old version. I remember hearing that they changed but had never had one yet. Throughout high school I had a few here and there. They were disgusting but 2 of them would have me completely blacked out.

There was also a drink we called the “Sidewalk Slammer” where you buy a 4 Loko and a Colt .45 (I know, Im a nigger), drink half of the Colt, pour the 4 Loko into the remaining half. Everytime I drank that I woke up outside. Completely obliterated for like 6 dollars.

Where we at with local high school drink concoctions? I remember people taking pride in making the best jungle juice in the whole class and protecting their secret recipes


I tried these a couple times when I was like 18 19 and got off the fucking walls. Wish they'd come back, tastes like ass but way cheaper than blow.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I tried these a couple times when I was like 18 19 and got off the fucking walls. Wish they'd come back, tastes like ass but way cheaper than blow.
Sometimes I'll still pick up some shitty malt liquor from a gas station and what not just for the fuck of it. Nothing compares though.