WWAW da Electric Six?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
In general, just a little bit MDMA and booze and the live version of this really got things kicking off for me past Danger High Voltage and Gay bar:

That's an independent video that chinaman and his buddies made or something, that I find to be great and makes me wonder if he isn't just "a chink" but "THE chink."

No idea about mdma, must be benefit of the doubt for lyrics - this track is cliche stacks, badly.
Bloodhound Gang, for example made cliche stacks that while they weren't great, they flowed and didn't contradict.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
No idea about mdma, must be benefit of the doubt for lyrics - this track is cliche stacks, badly.
Bloodhound Gang, for example made cliche stacks that while they weren't great, they flowed and didn't contradict.

I recommend an armada of Q-tips be dispatched to your ear area, forthwith!





I saw that to..why don't they? Also Live In Chicago Ween doesn't exist anymore but still would be fun....you know who still does tour Europe?


Gene Ween is afraid he will return to heavy drinking and drug use if they return to Europe. He’s sober now.