WWAW da Electric Six?




Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I mean the guitar solo on this:

What part of any of that, made you feel like sharing? That’s something an average 12 year old could do. Joe Cumia could do better and you can hear him fuck up notes regularly. That fucking stunk dude. Noel Gallagher from Oasis had better solos and he admits he’s not good at anything other than songwriting.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
What part of any of that, made you feel like sharing? That’s something an average 12 year old could do. Joe Cumia could do better and you can hear him fuck up notes regularly. That fucking stunk dude. Noel Gallagher from Oasis had better solos and he admits he’s not good at anything other than songwriting.

Were you WATCHING??? I didn't say LISTEN. FUCK