WWAW Creatine


John D’oh!
Just ordered some to help my lifting. Is it worth it?
Everyone else here has pretty good advice. I’ll just add that creative is sick in that it gives you almost immediate muscle bulk which will give you the morale to keep on keepin on. Bear in mind that those gains are almost entirely water, but they still look great aesthetically. Creatine gives you an initial boost/pump at the beginning of the workout but you use it all up by the time you get into the doldrums of lifting. Do it, and just keep hydrated as others have stated
Speaking of diets, I've always wondered why fat people don't just plan their grocery shopping for after dinner instead of before. If you do it after, your body will be indifferent towards food while you're there, and you won't get tricked into buying a bunch of shit. That's pure biology and has nothing to do with willpower, so why are there still fatsos around?