WWAW CoonTeenth?


Stand Alone Fruit
do mexicans got a holiday too? there are one for native beasts right? pretty sure chinee and indians dont
No, only because they don’t complain as much. There’s a holiday for MLK’s birthday but nobody else. Democrats know they can make black people vote for them for life as long as they act like they care and throw them a bone here and there. Most Mexicans end up voting Republican so they don’t try to get their votes as much unless they’re illegal.


Stand Alone Fruit
LGBTQIPs should get the whole of June off, taxpayer-funded of course.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the next government holiday will be when gay marriage became legal or something. Then again most gay men just want to live normal lives like everyone else and don’t complain as much as other groups. I can’t believe government buildings have had to put up THREE flags for the LGBTQ whatever letters. I like that the rainbow pride flag had to add black and brown because black people complained they weren’t represented on the flag.


Stand Alone Fruit
The fact they have to ghettoize the holiday name says enough about the group they're trying pander to.

Imagine being an educated black person (🤣) and having to see "Happy Juneteenth" being celebrated.
I love that they will do all this kind of shit and the same black people who complain about everything will continue to complain. It’s never enough and they know they can always get more. They already get angry when the gay community talks about oppression (some get furious over not being the only oppressed group) and HATE when the Jewish community claims hate and oppression. These loud angry black activists come so very close to saying “get over the holocaust, Jews!” while crying about being slaves hundreds of years ago.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
No, only because they don’t complain as much. There’s a holiday for MLK’s birthday but nobody else. Democrats know they can make black people vote for them for life as long as they act like they care and throw them a bone here and there. Most Mexicans end up voting Republican so they don’t try to get their votes as much unless they’re illegal.
isnt thanksgiving about the natives


Stand Alone Fruit
They’ve already changed Columbus Day to Native People day or whatever in a lot of places. Probably will be Federal before long.
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking since they’ve just slowly removed his name and added indigenous peoples day since it’s the same day. I remember when I was in school from elementary to middle we got off that day but once I got HS it was no longer a day off and we had to act like Columbus was never celebrated. I work in investment banking people are still confused about it, is the market open? Do they close early? What about the bond market? Do we even acknowledge it? Do we call it the other name? Do the systems realize it’s not a holiday anymore, etc