WWAW CoonTeenth?


What a bulshit holiday. I have lived in Texas for the majority of my life, and no one gave two fucks about this "holiday," for decades. It's stupid as fuck to have other states recognize it as it relates to Texas slaves getting the word about emancipation a couple of months after the fact. That's it. That's what "we" are celebrating.

I guess I'm just pissed because I was expecting something in the mail today and I had a few bank transactions that are delayed until tomorrow, so they can be processed.

Literally celebrating the ignorance of black Texans. Nice fake holiday, stupid.


The fact they have to ghettoize the holiday name says enough about the group they're trying pander to.

Imagine being an educated black person (🤣) and having to see "Happy Juneteenth" being celebrated.

Educated black people are a mixed bag- the conservative or middle of the road ones don't have much of a platform to communicate to run of the mill black people. The educated liberal or commie ones are give free-range to espouse their lunacy. The hope is that at some point, the constant gaslighting by libs will backfire as black people start to put 1 and 1 together.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
black people start to put 1 and 1 together.



If I were a Nigger, and saw holidays legislated for me without any revolution, war, bloodshed, any violence inflicted and won by my side to get it...I'd be wary. But they are too stupid to realize that.

Nigger, just leave and go to Liberia...this place wasn't meant to be what you thought it was...your grandpa had no choice, but you do. Deuces.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
I was really hoping for a June holiday to work with my fetish of theme holiday panties. Of course you can slap a flag on a g-string or Christmas up a thong, but June and August always provide slim pickings, especially after VJ Day stopped being a national holiday.