WWAW cockroaches


I had roaches when I lived in a place where the doors and windows didn't really seal. So they would just crawl inside, mostly the bathroom window. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to take a piss and going into fight or flight mode when you're face to face with a gigantic alien looking motherfucker.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Real talk; fuck the pesticides cause these are the most adaptable species and they've survived poisoning since humans stopped being nomads.

What you want is diatomaceous earth in ever crevice of your place. Safe for humans and they can't develop immunity; it sticks to the exoskeletons and eventually cuts at them and dries out their bodies.


I didn't even notice that. I used it on the ants earlier this year. Good call.


You get a bunch of mice to eat the roaches, then you get a bunch of snakes to eat the mice, then you get a bunch of mongooses to eat the snakes, then you get a bunch of African children to eat the mongooses, then you hire Patrick S. Tomlinson to eat the African children.

It’s just simple heuristics!
Then he goes to prison from his many crimes against children. Problem solved all around.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Because the bug jews are licensed applicators and have pesticides that work.

The weak-ass pesticides you can buy as a civilian are as potent as Patrick S Tomlinson.

And you should be able to get an initial treatment maybe $100, then $100 quarterly for no bugs. That's a deal brothaman.
what are you even trying to do here? to eliminate roaches from the earth? just kill the ones in the house with the weak ass one mang. imo you should diy before calling some dickhead to put that exact same roach gel in the corners and charge you 200$ for it, unless your name is Jew Roberts ofc

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
You get a bunch of mice to eat the roaches, then you get a bunch of snakes to eat the mice, then you get a bunch of mongooses to eat the snakes, then you get a bunch of African children to eat the mongooses, then you hire Patrick S. Tomlinson to eat the African children.

It’s just simple heuristics!
do mice even eat cockroach, i heard they like cheese

i do know these niggas do eat roaches and are kind of cute, and they run away if they saw you unlike spiders or roaches, good shit. dont flatten them next time you see them


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
what are you even trying to do here? to eliminate roaches from the earth? just kill the ones in the house with the weak ass one mang. imo you should diy before calling some dickhead to put that exact same roach gel in the corners and charge you 200$ for it, unless your name is Jew Roberts ofc
The only person cheaper than a jew is an anti-semite and I happily pay for the exterminator.

I'm not taking time away from plotting the death of Patrick S Tomlinson to worry about roaches.



maybe kiss you
Because the bug jews are licensed applicators and have pesticides that work.

The weak-ass pesticides you can buy as a civilian are as potent as Patrick S Tomlinson.

And you should be able to get an initial treatment maybe $100, then $100 quarterly for no bugs. That's a deal brothaman.
I bought some stuff from here when I had pest issues - https://diypestcontrol.com/

Whatever you can buy at a home improvement store isn't enough but online you can get basically zyklon b for insects


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
you sound like someone that would rather have your wife pay 2 jacked dudes 300 each to move a box of unopened home gym equipment
I pay for a maid and pay for extermination. Pay professionals to maintain my shit. They've found problems that would be potentially fatal to me and earn their money.

Wouldn't pay anyone to move shit, I'm a fucking monster. But in my middle age, I'd try to move it with the loader first, no need to abuse myself.


For me? It's Ken Waller!
I had roaches when I lived in a place where the doors and windows didn't really seal. So they would just crawl inside, mostly the bathroom window. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to take a piss and going into fight or flight mode when you're face to face with a gigantic alien looking motherfucker.
A bee just buzzing around the bedroom at 6:30 motherfucked me like this, ended up taking nervous rabbit shits rest of the day like a basket-weaver.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
I pay for a maid and pay for extermination. Pay professionals to maintain my shit. They've found problems that would be potentially fatal to me and earn their money.

Wouldn't pay anyone to move shit, I'm a fucking monster. But in my middle age, I'd try to move it with the loader first, no need to abuse myself.
fair enough idk how big your house is so maybe its worth it to you. next time try to hire 2 professional muscular dude to move a box to first floor to 2nd floor so they can give you professional advice on how to pick up a box and move it to another floor etc.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
A bee just buzzing around the bedroom at 6:30 motherfucked me like this, ended up taking nervous rabbit shits rest of the day like a basket-weaver.
I had roaches when I lived in a place where the doors and windows didn't really seal. So they would just crawl inside, mostly the bathroom window. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to take a piss and going into fight or flight mode when you're face to face with a gigantic alien looking motherfucker.
giant spider was chilling at the stairs and i just want to go down there and grab a drink, dont want to have a big ass spider rolling down from the celling into my mouth while i sleep, end up having to spray it and kill it mang it made me do it i am so sorry!!! really mother fucked me!!