WWAW Car Crashing every post @Volkov has ever made?


Not to mention the tangents we go on with Francois Truffaut 'round here.

Fucking cinema elitists around here, too good for a Marvel movie, amiright?

Where we at with Day For Night?
Day For Night makes me grin like a autistic retard watching trains for 2 hours.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
I had you all completely fooled with that bit, gullible fags.

But what's happening here is again I am attacking the alliance that consists of @ShutYourCakeHorn , @The Torquis de Lard and about 6 other people, @Torquie wants to be in it but his avatar is Kyle MacLachlan so he can't make it. These people spend all day on the forum contributing very little towards the purpose of it. They get upset at the slightest criticism or slam and all defend each other vigorously. I mean how pathetic is it for grown men to have friends on a message board? It's akin to the Ant/Danny love affair where they would always defend each other. They label anyone who goes against the alliance as a pedo, it's weak soviet union tactics.

I am honestly sitting here besides myself (Id tell you if I wasn't) that this absolute fucking loser no life named @The Torquis de Lard thinks it would bother me in any way if all my posts were car crashed. This proves how much importance this little twerp puts into his message board points. Doesn't he realize this place will be gone before long like all the other boards we've had and that his important account hes built up will be non-existant? His alliance may survive on their discord but he'll still be a fucking insignificant loser with zero interesting things to say. He's a bore, at least I illicit some reaction in people, rather than being a complete non-entity.