WWAW Blowing It Cus Of Your Drinking?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I used to be a full time binge drinker while in the military. I hated the military so much getting shit drunk was the only way to deal with a lot of shit. How I never endded up in handcuffs and in a cell is beyond me. When I got out in 2018, I was drinking so much the 1st four months, I almost lost my current job. And I was lucky to even get that job because the doctor wasn't going to sign off on me because my blood pressure was so fucking high. I sat down one day, and said to my self, things need to change FAST! I was like 240 pounds too. So on XMas of 2018, I told my self this is it, walked to the bar across the street and got fucking trashed, I was 35 at the time. walked home, threw up 2 times, woke up and threw up again, havn't drink since. lost 70 ish pounds since.


passing out inside a strange bitch
That just reminded me of one of my friend's stories. He was hooking up with a strange bitch of his own behind a bar, totally plastered. She's sucking his dick, and he thinks he's about to bust. He does the gentlemanly thing and tells the girl what's up. She tells him to do it in her mouth. He somehow misunderstood what his prick was telling him, and he started pissing in her mouth hahaha. He told me she freaked, puked and left.