WWAW assaulting children

Years ago, I posted on the old sub about my experience. I was driving around a corner with a truck blocking the other lane. Two 15-16 year old wiggers were standing in the road on my side. I gave them two short honks. I didn't lay on the horn like an asshole, just two little "hey, move" honks.

The one kid flicked a cigarette at my car as I was driving past them so I put it in park and went over to them. They were lipping me the whole walk up to them, like "what the fuck do you want faggot?" Etc.

I planned on just giving them a stern "Why would you do that?" talking to but as soon as he was in reach I just kind of scruffed the kid who flicked the smoke before I knew I even did it and threw him down and just kept pushing him back down with my foot when he tried to get up. The other kid ran away immediately and I never got an apology out of the cigarette kid because he was too busy screaming for the other kid like he was being murdered.

I wouldn't handle it like that now but I honestly still don't feel bad. I didn't really hurt him and he probably never fucked with anyone's car again. Not like his parents were gonna teach him.
You were actually far too kind and reasonable IMO, as the kid richly deserved to take a serious beating. It's the only way they'll ever learn.