WWAW abortion/Roe v. Wade

WWAW abortion

  • pro-abortion

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • anti-abortion

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • it depends on the race

    Votes: 20 64.5%

  • Total voters


Stand Alone Fruit
This proves our government does anything to avoid discussing our economy and what we need to do to fix it.

They've used Covid, vaccines, Russia/Ukraine, mass shootings, and now they're back to abortion like it's the 1970s.

It's quite hilarious and funny to watch unfold.

I'm glad I'm based
I’ve been noticing on social a lot of black users are posting about how they’re tired of hearing about Ukraine and how lots of money is being sent there yet their shitty ghettos in the US remain shit. Black people also aren’t too fond of all this pride stuff as well, many black activists lose their shit when gay people talk about struggles and oppression because they believe only black people have it tough and nobody else.

Democrats are now sounding the alarm that even though things are fucked for everyone thanks to their awful ideas, you gotta keep voting for them anyway because the sky is falling again.

They told everyone the country would go to hell if Trump was Re-elected and that Biden would make everything better. So they voted for Biden and things are awful. But you gotta keep voting for democrats because it will just get worse is their actual message.

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
Not a big fan of the fag tradcons who get mad at you when you say a woman should be allowed to abort if she was violently raped by a nigger. Annoying as fuck.


Stand Alone Fruit
I get why people are against it but there are definite benefits to dumb fucks killing their offspring before they can grow up to be burdens on everyone else.
It’s the real reason people are upset but can’t say it out loud. They have to choose their words carefully of why they’re upset because we all know the majority of abortions are not for as politicians and pro abortion groups tell us - “Heath reasons, incest and rape cases” it’s because too many people that shouldn’t have kids get pregnant and often.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
What really grinds my gears is the euphemisms both sides pull off. Everyone is for life, and everyone is for choice. The argument isn't about life or choice, it's about abortion, and whether abortion is ending a life or just ending a pregnancy.

The I fucking love LOVE science crowd can't admit basic facts that after conception, that egg+sperm formed a new human with unique DNA than its mother or father. DNA doesn't lie. That baby is undeniably human life, and it's definitely separate from the mom's life. Abortion is undeniably ending another human's life. Now we're just arguing when ending a human life is immoral/acceptable or not. We already agree as a society that sometimes ending a life is acceptable or "less bad" than in other circumstances - eg death penalty, manslaughter vs murder, etc.

That being said, allowing abortion helps society a lot. Much less crime, much less unwanted babies, much less single mothers, etc. In freakonomics the authors showed that the women who get abortions are usually the type of woman you'd want to get one - young, poor, no babby daddy around. What quality of life would that kid have had? Even the, does the ends justify the means? Does the kid bring raised in a bad environment justify abortion?
