WWAW abortion/Roe v. Wade

WWAW abortion

  • pro-abortion

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • anti-abortion

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • it depends on the race

    Votes: 20 64.5%

  • Total voters
I can't decide where I sit on it. I believe people should have the choice to do what they want but a nagging doubt of poor baby getting wiped out makes me think it isn't as clear cut as most people try and make it on both sides.


When liberals started openly discussing- the viability of 3rd tri-mester abortions and abortions at term, they went down the slippery slope that pro-lifer's were always afraid they'd go down. For some reason, liberals wanted to unsettle and argument that had already been settled- because it's never enough for them.

And when you add in the fact that many of them are too stupid or being intellectually dishonest, they honestly believe that it's a "constitutional right." It's not explicitly in the Constitution- but the kike fueled MSM has many of them convinced that it is. Oddly enough, you know what is a constitutional right? The right to bear arms.


Stand Alone Fruit
I hope this leads to people on the left to finally realize RBG was a selfish cunt. She believed her own hype and her ego wouldn’t let her retire even though she was pretty much on life support during the Obama years. They’re all blaming trump for this yet he didn’t do anything wrong, spots became available during his presidency and he did what any President would do. RBG had 8 years to step down under Obama but she only cared about herself and her “icon” status that the left built up. A far left relative of mine posted on FB how RBG must be rolling in her grave not realizing the court became more conservative because she wouldn’t step down.
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abortion as a contraceptive is fawkin savage. period.

vax mandate proved: my body my choice is not an argument. period.

Would like to see those cunts who demanded ppl be force vax now dare demand they have a right to decide shit that's going on in their uteruses.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
My take can be found here:




I hope this leads to people on the left to finally realize RBG was a selfish cunt. She believed her own hype and her ego wouldn’t let her retire even though she was pretty much on life support during the Obama years. They’re all blaming trump for this yet he didn’t do anything wrong, spots became available during his presidency and he did what any President would do. RBG had 8 years to step down under Obama but she only cared about herself and her “icon” status that the left built up. A far left relative of mine posted on FB how RBG must be rolling in her grave not realizing the court became more conservative because she wouldn’t step down.
Fucking happened to me, too. I was talking to a friend today, and she was rambling about how amazing RBG was. I explained RBG's part in this, called my friend a mark for loving a politician, and said RBG was just an uppity Jew broad.


Stand Alone Fruit
Fucking happened to me, too. I was talking to a friend today, and she was rambling about how amazing RBG was. I explained RBG's part in this, called my friend a mark for loving a politician, and said RBG was just an uppity Jew broad.
I remember after RBG died it had been pointed out she never hired a black staff member and some pro diversity groups got upset that she’s this icon to democrats yet seemed to have an issue with people of color. I hate the whole “cancel culture” idea but I hope this finally gets people to stop idolizing her. She was a miserable cunt that only cared about herself.


black suit and a smile
Seems like this really has the LGBTs freaked out because they think gay marriage is next.
Decades of pretending the political parties have anyone's interests in mind other than their own might finally be revealed if decades of legislation just starts getting tossed. Doubtful but you never know.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Decades of pretending the political parties have anyone's interests in mind other than their own might finally be revealed if decades of legislation just starts getting tossed. Doubtful but you never know.
After the past few years, anything can happen at this point.


Not a big fan of the fag tradcons who get mad at you when you say a woman should be allowed to abort if she was violently raped by a nigger. Annoying as fuck.