WWAW a bunch of niggers and spics doing this to a 7-11 in Los Angeles



Must be a shitty feeling knowing that at any time your business that you spent decades building could be selected at random by Lives that Matter and you could lose everything. Not to mention all your employees who will suddenly be cut off from their primary source of income


Another demotivational post by Robert "Fed" Mewler.


Ribbed for your pleasure
To Pattyback on this topic is a collapse as close as it seems to be? I really feel like shit could hit the fan pretty quick. Political and racial tensions are sky high and the economy seems like its on the precipice of a major crash.

Once the average white rube remembers what hunger feels like and is forced to fight or die I think it could be the alarm clock the west needs to wake up. Or just chaos, idk if I have a preference personally.


Ah, yes. Targetting me when all I did was mirror [URL='https://new.onaforums.net/threads/wwaw-a-bunch-of-niggers-and-spics-doing-this-to-a-7-11-in-los-angeles.20830/post-443784']what McGowan had written earlier[/URL]. Riding my ass because you want to ride my ass.


Torquie ❤️ Mewler

You're fucking obsessed with me. Every time I insult you now, you just have to reply.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Imagine showing this to 1950s LA residents - Pleasantville type whites - Mr and Mrs Jones, little Johnny, Janie and baby Mikey, and telling them "this is what this paradise you're living in is going to look like in 70 years." They wouldn't be able to comprehend it. "What happened? How did it happen?" After you tried to give them the Cliff notes their next reaction would probably be "thank God we'll probably all be dead by then."
Seriously, I’d tell them to go start buying land up in Wyoming or North Dakota. Don’t as why, stupid, just put me in your will and leave me some land.

Edit: I’d also make sure to invite them to a delicious Lucky Strike cigarette or a Camel, if that was their brand.
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(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Basically exactly what I was going to say. People in SE DC are crying about being in a “food desert” and that happens because any store that opens down there gets looted and destroyed. But of course it’s the evil white mans fault for not giving them nice grocery stores. Because as we all know, racism causes us to turn down money making opportunities.
Imagine honestly believing it’s the white man’s fault when you literally see a Cumia walking in, filling up, and leaving without paying.


Seriously, I’d tell them to go start buying land up in Wyoming or North Dakota. Don’t as why, stupid, just put me in your will and leave me some land.

Edit: I’d also make sure to invite them to a delicious Lucky Strike cigarette or a Camel, if that was their brand.
"9 out of 10 doctors recommend Luckies! They help you clear the airways every morning!"