WWAW a bunch of niggers and spics doing this to a 7-11 in Los Angeles

All these stores should just close up. Leave everyone in these communities with absolutely nothing. No pharmacy, no coffee shop, nothing! Maybe then the regular people will vote for something different. Until then, fuck ‘em!
They are simply unable to behave in large groups, a fact they keep proving time and time again. And when they're doing something they perceive as "fun", they completely spazz out and lose all self-control. Some dumb nog shoots a basket at the local basketball court and they start going totally insane, leaping around and screaming, and the next thing you know they're pulling guns and firing wildly at one another, usually over nothing.


Imagine showing this to 1950s LA residents - Pleasantville type whites - Mr and Mrs Jones, little Johnny, Janie and baby Mikey, and telling them "this is what this paradise you're living in is going to look like in 70 years." They wouldn't be able to comprehend it. "What happened? How did it happen?" After you tried to give them the Cliff notes their next reaction would probably be "thank God we'll probably all be dead by then."


Imagine showing this to 1950s LA residents - Pleasantville type whites - Mr and Mrs Jones, little Johnny, Janie and baby Mikey, and telling them "this is what this paradise you're living in is going to look like in 70 years." They wouldn't be able to comprehend it. "What happened? How did it happen?" After you tried to give them the Cliff notes their next reaction would probably be "thank God we'll probably all be dead by then."


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
All these stores should just close up. Leave everyone in these communities with absolutely nothing. No pharmacy, no coffee shop, nothing! Maybe then the regular people will vote for something different. Until then, fuck ‘em!
that's basically what's happening. CVS stores in san francisco just shut down because they couldn't keep the shelves stocked from all the shoplifting. Then these dumb nogs complain that's it's because of discrimination that their neighborhood doesn't have shit and only Jewy koreans who treat them like shit will run businesses there.


that's basically what's happening. CVS stores in san francisco just shut down because they couldn't keep the shelves stocked from all the shoplifting. Then these dumb nogs complain that's it's because of discrimination that their neighborhood doesn't have shit and only Jewy koreans who treat them like shit will run businesses there.
Basically exactly what I was going to say. People in SE DC are crying about being in a “food desert” and that happens because any store that opens down there gets looted and destroyed. But of course it’s the evil white mans fault for not giving them nice grocery stores. Because as we all know, racism causes us to turn down money making opportunities.