Would you eat Bam’s asshole?



She deserves her ass eaten before the Amazon gift card and after the podcast. Did you not hear her Jewish secretary Xanax voice? Failed nfl players have called her a queen before showing up late to practice to eat that nigger pussy. Don't blame me blame the bud lites
Yeah I didn’t even mention all the Haitians that have been there first. No monkey pox AIDS for me, thx
She deserves her ass eaten before the Amazon gift card and after the podcast. Did you not hear her Jewish secretary Xanax voice? Failed nfl players have called her a queen before showing up late to practice to eat that nigger pussy. Don't blame me blame the bud lites
Now Lamont leaves me a rib breaking my fucking heart with kindness. My uncle Lamont the guy I'm going to Hell for.


A circle of N-words
I'd fuck Patrick if he hated it. Fuck him right in his nigger ass. He can pretend I'm his mother when I sit my stinky hot ass on his face. He would say yes mother please mother. I'd call him a failure a faggot just like your father. Then have multiple niggers come over and I'd suck them then spit the cum into pats mouth then say yeah just like your father eager to drink the negros seed. Write me a stolen joke you daughter abandoning dyke marrying mother fucker
I agree with this totally. Hate fucking Patricks colon into minced meat would provide me with sufficient lolz.

