Worst Concert you've been to?

Probably Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2011. I was really excited to see them for the first time, even though John Frusciante wasn’t there anymore. But they really felt like a bunch of washed up old man just going through the motions playing the greatest hits. I didn’t know what I expected though. Really gave up on them after that.
I was like you and saw them in like 2017 and was disappointed Saw them last year with my daughter. While Anthony's singing always sucks the energy and synergy that Flea, Chad and John had was fucking awesome. You can tell they love playing together.


Fantastic Man
Not the worst but one of the weirdest ones was The Toots and Maytals were playing at Riverrock, some multi-band all day event in the city. Its actually usually pretty cool. This dude filming was 30 ft to the right of us and me and this dude and a few others i didnt know but we were drinking a half gallon Grey Goose bottle and he just chugged it and threw it and fucking NAILED the 70-whatever year old man in the face. Everyone started forming a circle around the group of us (strangers). I just slinked out and hauled ass. I didnt wanna stick around. I knew it was rly bad when they had him on the stretcher. Kid ended up getting held down and arrested if I remember right. Go to the last 30 seconds or so of this video. It was a PERFECT shot. We were like 50ft away:

I've watched this like 8 times already and it's still rib-busting. Catches him right in the middle of a "ma-ma-ma" or whatever the fuck he's saying and the dude just stops mid syllable


I tuned into Juturna and On Letting Go again recently after not listening to them for 15+ years. Not a mood booster but the music is still awesome.
I haven't listened to On Letting Go in awhile, mainly because 18 year old me burned it out. Thing was in my car for like 6 months straight. I should throw it back on.


junkie idiot 😘
Technically not a real concert, but one night I was at Applebee's for their half-off appetizers and they had some bald retard playing the guitar and obnoxiously bellowing into a microphone. Lazy fuck sat in a chair the entire time too and kept randomly referencing the 82nd airborne division.

It was so bad I left without paying.
Just so you know, you not only stiffed your waitress out of a tip but also the guy entertaining you.


Blue Oyster Cult at the county fair. They were playing some shitty deep cut that sounded like a Spinal Tap ripoff and they had a super enthusiastic guest guitarist who was really rocking out. Unfortunately the balding manlet fake toughguy frontman got an attitude and gave him a rude "turn it down a notch" gesture. God forbid anybody show any enthusiasm. After that he got all pissy and gave a shitty mail it in performance of "Don't fear the reaper" with all the skill and enthusiasm of a 5 dollar hooker. I left to get a corn dog before they finished