Worldcon Covid outbreak



Didnt pat say that niki got covid at some point last year and he just got the sniffles because he is a healthy boy? Was it in one of the interviews? I doubt pat will mention it on twitter and take it to the bar and spread it around because he needs meatloaf and beer.
He told me that when I told him I was positive and to wish for my death in August lol. He literally bragged it "went through his house"(I assumed he meant Niki, could have been on that nigger train that fucks her though) and he was so healthy it didn't get him lol.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He told me that when I told him I was positive and to wish for my death in August lol. He literally bragged it "went through his house"(I assumed he meant Niki, could have been on that nigger train that fucks her though) and he was so healthy it didn't get him lol.
Ahhh, maybe it was one of your long as fuck interactions with him.


I sure hope that big fat lady gets it who kept posting selfies of her big fat person outfits.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Saint Mel - Please let it somehow be revealed that asymptomatic Pat is the cause of this outbreak. 🙏🏼

Well this is the first contact tracing outbreak there. If Pat went to Joels Whiskey party its possible. Seems like something pat would take upon himself to drink as much as he can of someone elses booze for free.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
So if they got covid, despite the masks and vaccines, someone explain to me why it wasn't still selfish and irresponsible to have their little nerd convention? As long as you go through the bare minimum effort not to spread it, you're a great person? Either this is the black plague or it isn't, you don't get to cause the superspreader events that you claim kill billions and still take the moral high ground.
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Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
So if they got covid, despite the masks and vaccines,someone elplain to me why it wasn't still selfish and irresponsible to have their little nerd convention? As long as you go through the bare minimum effort not to spread it, you're a great person? Either this is the black plague or it isn't, you don't get to cause the superspreader events that you claim kill billions and still take the moral high ground.
If it wasnt all the people accusing people of murder for going to crowded events then it would just be an unfortunate event. Pat will say " everyone is vaxed and they will be fine" with no regard if they unknowingly bring it home to dear old Nana and she cant handle it. Pat doesnt actually give a shit about covid. He just feels he needs to push the far left agenda talking points daily so they dont cancel him.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
If it wasnt all the people accusing people of murder for going to crowded events then it would just be an unfortunate event. Pat will say " everyone is vaxed and they will be fine" with no regard if they unknowingly bring it home to dear old Nana and she cant handle it. Pat doesnt actually give a shit about covid. He just feels he needs to push the far left agenda talking points daily so they dont cancel him.
Those Nazis deserve to die, child.