Working with women HATE thread

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
Working with women rules in blue collar lower stakes jobs, easy pickings, constant supply of new women every few weeks...but in white collar professional environments it's fucking terrible. They never pull their weight, they gang up, never take responsibility or ownership, they gossip and spread discord, they over compensate for their lack of skill by pretending they're being discriminated against, they're over sensitive and run to HR for any perceived slight, even if imaginary.

I have two ugly lazy fatties I work with who don't really understand what we do (they were quota hires) and constantly talk about food and TV. Lucky for them they have an effective alternative strategy...just kiss ass with management and bring in free treats every week. Management loves them so they'll never go away.

One of the fatties is so insecure that she's always seeking validation..."they put sugar in everything, it's hard to avoid it! They're trying to get us addicted and fat!" (yeah you can't just read the ingredients label or bring your own food) or "I can't help but gain weight, all I do is sit at a computer and stare at data all day" (nevermind that that's all our whole team does, and all of us are normal weight except the two fatties). It's a STEM position and she can't do basic math, but she has a vagina and thus satisfies the worries, we'll just do all the real work and throw her easy brain dead tasks, all while pretending she's a valuable contributor.

The other fatty is the most insecure basic bitch. She literally says shit like "live laugh love" and is super loud all the time. She greats everyone with "HI (NAME) HOW'S IT GOING? GIVE ME A HIGH FIVE! SENDING GOOD VIBES YOUR WAY!" and greats the other fatty as "how you doing gorgeous /sexy/beautiful". If a man did that it'd be sexual harassment.

Every male only place I've ever worked is a good time with us talking shop and about which women we want to fuck. Then when a woman comes in the place turns quiet, everyone walking on eggshells in fear of ahhfending the bitch and having her run to HR.

How many female coworkers can you honestly say kick ass and go above and beyond at work? None ever? I don't hate women, genuinely, I'll tell you if I did, I just never want one as a coworker ever again.


Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I heard someone explain once how the whole "Women in the Workforce" thing could be fixed, you know since it doubled the workforce thus taking up jobs/supply and lowering wages

Anyways, it would just be women needing to go to college and become mental health counselors, and i mean like high 80% becoming that since we really only need 12% of actual job having women in certain rolls for waiting/teaching/cashiering

The trick is that all of these dumbass counseling women would also go to have counseling themselves. It'd be like a cyclical thing of moronic women whining about things to other women. Best part is that all of these women get to do the only thing they really want to do in a job, and that is to bitch about other bitchy women(their clients)

There's obviously some smoothing out needed, but the whole thing about keeping them away from everyone the majority of the day seems stellar


Still Serchin' 4 Da Truf
Working with women rules in blue collar lower stakes jobs, easy pickings, constant supply of new women every few weeks...but in white collar professional environments it's fucking terrible. They never pull their weight, they gang up, never take responsibility or ownership, they gossip and spread discord, they over compensate for their lack of skill by pretending they're being discriminated against, they're over sensitive and run to HR for any perceived slight, even if imaginary.

I have two ugly lazy fatties I work with who don't really understand what we do (they were quota hires) and constantly talk about food and TV. Lucky for them they have an effective alternative strategy...just kiss ass with management and bring in free treats every week. Management loves them so they'll never go away.

One of the fatties is so insecure that she's always seeking validation..."they put sugar in everything, it's hard to avoid it! They're trying to get us addicted and fat!" (yeah you can't just read the ingredients label or bring your own food) or "I can't help but gain weight, all I do is sit at a computer and stare at data all day" (nevermind that that's all our whole team does, and all of us are normal weight except the two fatties). It's a STEM position and she can't do basic math, but she has a vagina and thus satisfies the worries, we'll just do all the real work and throw her easy brain dead tasks, all while pretending she's a valuable contributor.

The other fatty is the most insecure basic bitch. She literally says shit like "live laugh love" and is super loud all the time. She greats everyone with "HI (NAME) HOW'S IT GOING? GIVE ME A HIGH FIVE! SENDING GOOD VIBES YOUR WAY!" and greats the other fatty as "how you doing gorgeous /sexy/beautiful". If a man did that it'd be sexual harassment.

Every male only place I've ever worked is a good time with us talking shop and about which women we want to fuck. Then when a woman comes in the place turns quiet, everyone walking on eggshells in fear of ahhfending the bitch and having her run to HR.

How many female coworkers can you honestly say kick ass and go above and beyond at work? None ever? I don't hate women, genuinely, I'll tell you if I did, I just never want one as a coworker ever again.

Jesus...Tosh WAS actually funny at one time. 9 years ago....seems like 100.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Working with women rules in blue collar lower stakes jobs
This has been my experience. Working in construction, all the gals on my crews were competent and fun, or at least fun and willing to learn if they weren't as competent as the others. Yeah, they were mostly lesbians. I feel for my Brothamen stuck in offices anyway, let alone with harpies.


Great thread

They brought in this woman as our new team lead a few months ago and she has been a complete disaster. She means well, but she just doesn’t have the mindset to be successful in the role so she’s anxious and nervous all the fucking time.

I have to hijack every single meeting we’re on together to keep her from asking awful questions that focus on anything but the point someone was just trying to make. Eventually, she just steamrolls in to blurt out a terrible question or point to make sure she’s heard, outing herself as the meeting idiot.

I’ll admit it is nice to know that I’m not at risk of being the dumbest person the call.

She has no ability to connect the dots between what we’re doing today and the target state established by leadership so she relies on me to face off to them. Fortunately, I’m able to do it so she basically lets me do whatever I want, and doesn’t argue me when I refuse to make her retarded updates to my deliverables.

She pulled me aside last week and started straight up crying, asking me for help and what she should do to improve or whatever the fuck. I gave her some legit strategies and now she micromanages my other teammates (all men, btw) and leaves me alone for the most part outside of random questions. They hate her too and are angry at me for the coaching i gave lol.

She’s very easy to manipulate, too. Whenever she tries to hold me accountable for one of her bullshit asks, i just talk circles around her until she’s too confused to respond and let’s it go. Then I make her feel better by cracking a joke about talking too much to lighten up the mood. Then I ask some harder questions that I know she can’t answer to force her to end the call.

In the end, I just want to be left alone so hopefully she sees that sometime in the next 6 months (doubtful).

Tl dr - bitches, amiright?


It's like instead of having an affinity for competition, they are cursed with needing to compete with other women about pointless office drama. I have to listen to all of them bitch about each other all day. For some reason I'm stuck in the middle, probably because I avoid getting involved so they think I side with them. They get territorial about clerical work.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was watching this video about the Amish the other day and I was surprised to see how many male teachers there were. Good guys too, fathers and the like with actual values. At some point we let women completely dominate schools and education. It's seen as a woman's job to teach elementary. That's only happened in the last 20 years. Have you ever fucked an elementary teacher? They are dumb as a rock.


I was watching this video about the Amish the other day and I was surprised to see how many male teachers there were. Good guys too, fathers and the like with actual values. At some point we let women completely dominate schools and education. It's seen as a woman's job to teach elementary. That's only happened in the last 20 years. Have you ever fucked an elementary teacher? They are dumb as a rock.
I’ve heard there’s a huge pedo problem in the Amish community that basically goes unchecked because they police themselves.

Agree on your broad point, though. Women are over represented in education. I have never met a teacher that didn’t act like teaching is the hardest job in the world despite being a union job with tons of time off.

And it’s never enough, either. They need more money, more pension, better health benefits, more time off, shorter days, and whatever the fuck else.

God help you if you bring up having summers off. It’s the atom bomb of triggers for teachers.


Fantastic Man
I’ve heard there’s a huge pedo problem in the Amish community that basically goes unchecked because they police themselves.

Agree on your broad point, though. Women are over represented in education. I have never met a teacher that didn’t act like teaching is the hardest job in the world despite being a union job with tons of time off.

And it’s never enough, either. They need more money, more pension, better health benefits, more time off, shorter days, and whatever the fuck else.

God help you if you bring up having summers off. It’s the atom bomb of triggers for teachers.
Can't stand this shit with them. If it snows I have to wake up extra early to plow the driveway and still get my ass to work on time.

I also hate their argument of "well we have to do work after we get home too" Bitch, so does everyone else

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
I was in a work project with a bunch of gyn/ob nurses recently. All women of course. Ask me anything about their entitled attitudes. It was like working with Samcro Joe.
many such cases, I have 4 I have to interact with on a daily basis, my contempt for them is palpable, they can sense my disgust

Give stories please, I need more fuel.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan

Women bosses panic. Sounds about right. And find a man to blame (and fire) for their failures or incompetency.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
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Women bosses panic. Sounds about right. And find a man to blame (and fire) for their failures or incompetency.
That's weird. I'm used to then taking full accountability for their actions and owning their shortcomings. To be fair, most men suck at this too.

One day I'm going to finally make an all encompassing people hate thread and just be over with it. Everyone I don't know or already like sucks ass.