Women getting punched in NYC


Why cant we all just get along, funsters
How about in the chest?

As usual, the wh*te man has to steal thunder from hardworking POCs, and of course he does it all stiff and dorky.

Someone should make a deep dive into this clip

the angry clenched up man
the bimbo
the grandma
...both get close fist to chest
---the onlooker simp runs to check bimbo
--grandma evaluates situation, knows her value in the streets post-wall is quite precarious, she has to think fast
--grandma feigns unconsciousness
--still not enough for simp, still focused on mlady bimbo
--liberated educated woman with book-bag on phone walks thru the whole ordeal, doesn't stop talking on phone, turns back but doesn't help

Sue Lightning

I mean.. I feel for these victims but in her case if she gets raped by a pack of niggers it'll be her fault. ZERO sense of self-preservation.
None of them have self preservation. They’re walking around one of the biggest shithole cities in the US, filled with crazy people, and they expect…what, not to be punched? When I went to Chicago or Miami I wasn’t walking around in complete fear but I was aware that “Hey i’m in a strange city full of fucking nuts so i should be aware.”

You remember that scene in the Sopranos where Meadow comes home from college and tells Carmela her bike got stolen, and Tony just smugly drinks his coffee because he knows who did it. That reminds me of the quote you quoted and why everyone is leaving out race.

“A guy punched me in the face.”
Smug reaction, “What KIND of guy?”



It's not REALLY Ray Wilson

I kinda want to punch her now.


I hate modern day culture.