Will you still rape when you're an old guy?

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
"my female friends don't fear me, they all respect me. All 4 of them. I fucked them all, consensually. They now all are married or have boyfriends, but still.. we hang out all the time and they are my best friends. Best friends whom I* rape.

(*I being @Rutherford_b_Blaze)
Fear and respect go hand in hand. So the people who fear me... get raped.

My name is @Rutherford_b_Blaze and I raped a lesbian last year.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List

Capn Dicktickler

40 year old sasster LBJ quote fulfillerster
"It was all a misunderstanding. She's one of my best friends for life, but I misunderstood that she is a lesbian and not a fan of hetero cis rape." - @Rutherford_b_Blaze
It was all a misunderstanding.. she thought she had the right not to be raped by Rutherford and it turned out she was wrong