Why we don't refrigerate eggs in Europe

Processed differently how? I never put eggs in the ref, is this unsafe?

If you're in North America you should refrigerate those suckers, as I understand it. In Europe, you will prevent salmonella more effectively by keeping them at room temperature.

As for the method, I don't know. Something to do with temperature I guess. Nana might be involved.


Think it's because battery farms are more common in the US and that causes issues compared to the free range that is more common here and therefore the way the eggs are washed or something
It's uh like a battery farm!



Holding hands in a circle of N-words
The USDA mandates that all eggs be washed first to prevent any chance of salmonella contamination. Washing eggs removes the protective coating around the shell which means the egg will spoil quicker if not refrigerated.

You used to be able to find just regular, unwashed eggs sold in a basket at some farmer's markets and country stores, but that was a while ago.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Abort immediately. Another benefit of storing them at room temperature is that they won't crack as easily when you boil them.

I love acting like an authority on subjects I've just spent five minutes googling by the way. :image_9247:
They aren't refrigerated in stores over here, so i don't know why i do it at home, my parents used to throw them in the fridge when i was little, so i blame them.

I didn't expect to be talking about the optimal storing methods of eggs when i woke up this morning.

Glad i still can get suprised by this place, that's why Off Topic → Lit Crit all the way!