Why did R&F take so many fucking calls? Also give me some great clips to listen to

Gay Faggot.

A SEDUCTIVE heifer of the SEAS
In the earlier eras it was to be more interactive. By the time fez was full blown crazy (gay) Ron did it just to fuck with Fez. Fez was always the center of attention, whether it was because he was doing it intentionally or not. I always like the Fez trivia battles, but I don’t go too fawkin deep with da R&F tobehonestwitya.

Edit: I just remembered the midnight rider saga is bat shit and fun. ESD was pretty funny on R&F but, the midnight rider was legendary.


If you have 40 hours to spare…

Edit i see @Gay Faggot. already mentioned it.




❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Ron did an interview last year with Al Duke and mentioned that they decided to go caller heavy during WNEW to distinguish themselves from O&A, who took calls but not nearly as many. I guess they decided to keep that format. Ron claims the WNEW callers were great but I disagree.
Makes sense and I do enjoy his quiet disdain when he moves on from a bad caller but so far they don’t seem to add much besides antagonizing Fez or making bad to decent jokes.
Why? It seemed like he had a cake job where the only downside was being made fun of.
He couldn’t handle the heat. He didn’t get along well with Dave or Pepper hicks, Fez hated him, Ron treated him like a bitch, the O&A staff hated him. Everyone knew he was an incompetent boob. It’s a little hazy to me but Daniel Ben Dovid sprayed him with febreeze during a bit and he “feinted”. He was mocked and he said fuck it. Him quitting on air is some of the most cringiest and uncomfortable radio ever.
He did quit on air but Ron one time let it slip "that's what got Earl fired" when discussing the fake knockout incident. But who the fuck knows what was real and not real on that show
Are you finished?! Let me retort!

I just finished typing up a response to @BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 about the Daniel Ben Dovid spraying him with febreeze incident too. Yeah who knows what’s real, but he didn’t have anything lined up when he left and Johnny Hardrock ended up giving him a pity job.