Why did Anth stop wearing head coverings the night he was fired from Sirius?


NYC Mayor
Were there religious reasons for his head coverings? He often wore Yankees baseball caps to work, even in his own home while working for Sirius:

The man paid top dollar for hair transplant and then chose to cover it up for years. Do you think he was embarrassed? Nyehehe

The only time he exposed his bare scalp at this time was for the Unmast (in which Norton admitted he raped a little girl with a chuckle, but story for another time)

When Anthony was fired, we were then subject to the era of the cotton candy afro.


Was being fired from Sirius a "Letting his hair down & finding himself" moment?

Do you think Anthony drastically changed his description multiple times in order to evade law enforcement?

When the african hooker slapped it off his head, perhaps he developed PTSD feelings for hats?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Tranthony Groomia never saw Walter Cronkite in a ballcap. He mailed it in the last XM years, getting his studio ready and was going to take the internets by storm with his hot takes and good looks. Oofta.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I thought he didn’t get his first hair transplant til like right before the compound? He’s got it in his head he’s a major broadcaster. He has no idea how to dress professionally since he was always on radio but knows hats on video are not professional. He’s a child raping ghoul is what I’m getting at here.


NYC Mayor
I thought he didn’t get his first hair transplant til like right before the compound? He’s got it in his head he’s a major broadcaster. He has no idea how to dress professionally since he was always on radio but knows hats on video are not professional. He’s a child raping ghoul is what I’m getting at here.
He got them back when Jim Jeffries was a friend of the show. Years before the firing. He then went on to keep them under wraps.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
He got them back when Jim Jeffries was a friend of the show. Years before the firing. He then went on to keep them under wraps.
I guess I only remember him talking about it when I still watched compound how many fucking years ago. I would watch like 1 a week hoping it would be good (if I thought the guest would be good, I was wrong 100% of the time) and he’d bring up his hair appointments and shit like anyone was impressed. You’re a fucking wop. You either lose your hair or have a great head of it your whole life. No one for a second believes you’re the only dago in between. Just wasting money on your hair AND a network.