Why are women always buying flowers



A few weeks ago we had a family barbecue at our country place. My wife's uncle brought flowers for each of the females; my wife, her mother, her sister, my daughter and niece. Later that day I drove back to the city with my boys and the women stayed behind to clean the house and came back later. So a few days after I go down to cut the grass. The house is nice and clean but they'd left the flowers in vases on the kitchen table. I went to throw them out but fuck me the smell. Similar to a dead animal but with a kind of dusty after note that gets stuck in your nostrils. Just awful. Flowers literally stink.
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I like house plants, cut flowers seem like a waste since they're gonna die soon.

I have grabbed the occasional bunch off a grave to give to my gal on valentines day, but girls like that shit so wha' ya gonna do
If I'm gonna give flowers I do it randomly and avoid doing it on Valentine's day. A random flower on a random day will get you pussy faster than you think. I did the math.

@captain_kamala comment?


Not sure if you knew this but, woman always been shopping. Emancipation just made them more fucking obnoxious about it.
My grandpa tells me when credit cards were becoming a 'thing' like in the 1960s/70s and if a woman shopper (even if a regular customer) suddenly bought something huge/expensive, a decent store clerk would have to speak on the phone with the husband that he approves this purchase.