Why are there fat people?



You never saw that American type of fat fat over here until about 15-20 years ago. It's 100% sugar water. Those fuckers who drink coke etc all day get fat in a way that you never saw in human history until literally the last 20 something years. That shapeless blob fat.

Fat people before were basically peasant types (short and stocky bodies who were made to work in the fields all day) who the modern world had deprived of their gym/employment. They were supposed to exist on low protein high carb diets but burn off the excess calories by toiling the soil. Tech cut most of them out of the equation. But evolution didn't factor in HFCS and artificial sweeteners. That stuff has built more Gilbert Grape mamas than anything else.


You never saw that American type of fat fat over here until about 15-20 years ago. It's 100% sugar water. Those fuckers who drink coke etc all day get fat in a way that you never saw in human history until literally the last 20 something years. That shapeless blob fat.

Fat people before were basically peasant types (short and stocky bodies who were made to work in the fields all day) who the modern world had deprived of their gym/employment. They were supposed to exist on low protein high carb diets but burn off the excess calories by toiling the soil. Tech cut most of them out of the equation. But evolution didn't factor in HFCS and artificial sweeteners. That stuff has built more Gilbert Grape mamas than anything else.
I see so many fat people shaped like a capital P. Skinny weird legs and a big upper body. It's hilarious looking.