Why are there fat people?

Go to any grocery store on a Sunday after black church gets out and you'll understand. Not to say they're the only fat people, but look at their carts and you'll understand how people can get so fucking fat. It's 2 liter bottles of soda and junk food galore. That's what fat people eat every week on top of whatever shitty fast food they're consuming. When Bloomberg banned large sodas in New York it was panned because it didn't really stop anyone from drinking more soda, but he was on the right track in that soda plays a massive role in obesity. My cousin's husband dropped about 120 pounds from doing nothing more than drinking water in place of soda.

That and people seem to lack the ability to feel shame and disgust when they look in their mirror.
Go to any grocery store on a Sunday after black church gets out and you'll understand. Not to say they're the only fat people, but look at their carts and you'll understand how people can get so fucking fat. It's 2 liter bottles of soda and junk food galore. That's what fat people eat every week on top of whatever shitty fast food they're consuming. When Bloomberg banned large sodas in New York it was panned because it didn't really stop anyone from drinking more soda, but he was on the right track in that soda plays a massive role in obesity. My cousin's husband dropped about 120 pounds from doing nothing more than drinking water in place of soda.

That and people seem to lack the ability to feel shame and disgust when they look in their mirror.
Also, a lot of people seem to believe that being mildly hungry is an immediate life-threatening emergency that has to be addressed instantly. Their belly gurgles a little bit and all of a sudden they're carrying on like they're weak, their "blood sugar is low" and etc. I've known people who totally fall to pieces if they go three or four hours without food, and just eating an apple or a banana or a few cashews isn't enough, they "need" three slices of pizza and a can of soda, just to make it through the day.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (back in the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time

Where we at with lifting weights and overeating? I have no problem staying away from any particular food, but after a workout I want to make sure I get enough food to build muscle. The downside of course is that you can get chunky. Should a brotherman just stop eating when he's full even if he works out? :worm


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I carried a 30lb backpack around this weekend and I was sweating buckets in the heat. How do fat people manage the extra 100lb?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Where we at with lifting weights and overeating? I have no problem staying away from any particular food, but after a workout I want to make sure I get enough food to build muscle. The downside of course is that you can get chunky. Should a brotherman just stop eating when he's full even if he works out? :worm
That's the dilemma. You want to get big, you need to eat a ton.
But you're not gonna look cut. For that, you need to go into a caloric deficit which costs you some of those original gains.
At least that's what YouTube broscience videos have taught me.


That's the dilemma. You want to get big, you need to eat a ton.
But you're not gonna look cut. For that, you need to go into a caloric deficit which costs you some of those original gains.
At least that's what YouTube broscience videos have taught me.
The strongest human being I know is this POS superintendent in my condo. He happens to be a diabetic, I told him I could tell by the huge dark hue/contour on his cheeks that all fat diabetics have, and he confirmed it. Now he knows Im a people watcher/sizer upper and he avoids me.

That faggot got some secrets.