why are members on video game/music forums always faggots?

most of the wrong think ones went to /v/
They may say "fag" but they still wear striped socks and are just as queer. It's not even ironic anymore. /vr/ is still tolerable though.

But to answer the title, it's a combination of multiple factors:
- Most games instaban for naughty words
- No private servers anymore
- All of society is fucking gay now

So that's why all game/music forums are all fruitcakes.


They may say "fag" but they still wear striped socks and are just as queer. It's not even ironic anymore. /vr/ is still tolerable though.

But to answer the title, it's a combination of multiple factors:
- Most games instaban for naughty words
- No private servers anymore
- All of society is fucking gay now

So that's why all game/music forums are all fruitcakes.
Has /v/ gotten that bad? I did visit /vr/ recently to find more doom mods to play but I only went to /v/ for a bit a month or so ago and just read some elden ring threads.

In Rocket League you can't even spam the built-in chat options like "Thanks!" or "Sorry!".


The Backbone of America
I just commented on a YouTube video saying I'm disappointed that the new Saint's Row is apparently shit and I'm not going to drop $70 on a game that's getting shit on even by fans of the franchise. Some faggot is jumping down my throat calling me a sheep and telling me that I play League of Legends so my opinion is worthless. I've never played League of Legends. I called him a fruit and he stopped responding.

🤣Bruh you play League of Legends bro🤣 exposed!🤣


I just commented on a YouTube video saying I'm disappointed that the new Saint's Row is apparently shit and I'm not going to drop $70 on a game that's getting shit on even by fans of the franchise. Some faggot is jumping down my throat calling me a sheep and telling me that I play League of Legends so my opinion is worthless. I've never played League of Legends. I called him a fruit and he stopped responding.
League of Legends is for massive faggots.


I have a face like a shovel
Has /v/ gotten that bad?
bruh----it's a forum on the internet.........

OF COURSE it's gotten bad

everything gets bad
nothing is good
nobody likes anything

take the above 3 things, and the fact that for you to post anything on the internet you have to be somesort of loser into consideration

come on- you think anyone who actually has their shit together would waste their time posting fucking anything on the intranet?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Vidya games are a massive timesuck. How many productive White hours were wasted?

What's the end game - being Tranth Groomia on Twitch?

Turn off the Jewbox and learn some real life skills. Start by reading a book about skills. Buy some tools, do something besides paying kikes money to press X to be a loser.


/v/ went to shit during gaymergate. 8chan /v/ was like this place and shit on everything but was also still hilarious and we all know what happened to that place. The different 8chan clones tried to bring it back but had fewer and fewer members each time. It's now a ghost town.


Sure, but I've never even seen the game played. I just know nerd fags play it competitively. Was this just some kid trying to call me a fag?
He's trying to implying you're toxic becuase lots of LoL players are seen as toxic by the real sensitive faggots. In reality the game just has people getting mad at you for being bad on their team, I don't think there's much actually funny shit said on there. I don't play mobas though so idk

Surprisingly Team Fortress 2 still has a pretty fun community still, half are reactive faggots and the other half will join in with you calling them niggers and shit skins. That's public matchmaking only though, community servers are all cucked.


The Backbone of America
He's trying to implying you're toxic becuase lots of LoL players are seen as toxic by the real sensitive faggots. In reality the game just has people getting mad at you for being bad on their team, I don't think there's much actually funny shit said on there. I don't play mobas though so idk

Surprisingly Team Fortress 2 still has a pretty fun community still, half are reactive faggots and the other half will join in with you calling them niggers and shit skins. That's public matchmaking only though, community servers are all cucked.
Team Fortress 2 is like the only game I've ever actually enjoyed playing with strangers.


I have a face like a shovel
it's only a "timesuck" if you pump more money to Ubisoft, EA, or any other AAA publisher

Nevertheless, if you support something that is outside of the COD-sphere then you are supporting the arts.....

with this prefaced, I will face less guilty playing Rollerdrome