Who are some morbidly obese monsters you cant stand? ( Not our Patso)


I am the man with no name...
Me and my older boy enjoyed some bonding moments laughing at this tub of shit
View attachment 201657
Who is this guy
She has extra fat over her rib cage.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
"what do YOU guys think about [situation]? Leave a comment below"

You wanna know what I think about it?


I think this guy at minimum is pre-Diabetic! It's no joke, America! I feel like I'm just, I'm just preaching to an audience of the deaf! Do you not want to listen to the old Jew? Do I need to bring on my friend Wilford Brimley, with his "aw shucks" delivery to warn you all of the "dyabeetuhs"? I'm your friend here, people! I have to carry my insulin shots in a leather bag! Bobby Heenan called it a purse until his jaw fell off!

Wasn't that awful what happened to Roger Ebert? Same thing as Bobby, I think, just terrible. Why do the good ones lose their voice? His commentary for Casablanca was so informative! One time, Roger and I took Peyote at Spacca Napoli - true story, I've never told this, it's true! We went back to his recording studio where he's finishing his show with Gene Siskel, and they were reviewing Aliens, ok? Roger did his best to appear with it, ok, but I'm seeing talking coyotes that are speaking Hebrew, so God knows what he's seeing.

Next thing I know, he goes on a 25 minute uninterrupted soliloquy about how James Cameron used the Alien sequel to do a modern metaphorical remake of The Ten Commandments - I swear to God, America, this happened! And it all made sense! It was beautiful, I wish I recorded it myself! I'm not ashamed to admit it made me cry!

No, the video of this isn't in any vault, they destroyed it! Wanna know why? It wasn't Rogers behavior, it was because Gene was clearly drunk! He called the Star "Shigourney Beaver!" You can't do that on television back then! So they burn the tape in front of us, tell everyone to come back tomorrow, and the show recordings never allow lunch breaks again! Everything was catered from that point on.

Who were we talking about again? The Quartering? Oh yeah, he should definitely kill himself.

Coming up tonight, Daniel Craig will be on the show to tell us about the time he was nearly sexually assaulted on a gun range by a greasy WOP fagola, stay tuned!

Roslyn Heights Biter


Roslyn Heights Biter
